Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer for Seeing Through God’s Eyes

    Father, while the world obsesses about outward appearances such as good looks, muscular bodies or perfect figures Your Word is impassioned with teaching regarding the inner heart; the very character of who we really are that nobody can see except You. Help us to be more concerned about what You see on the inside than…

  • A Prayer For Our Eternal Impact

    Father, we are grateful for those who have chosen to follow You and influenced others to walk in the paths of righteousness. Of course, we are only a mouthpiece and a living example of how Your grace and forgiveness can change one’s life, but that’s one essential method You choose to spread the gospel. May…

  • A Prayer For Living Contented Lives

    Father, help us to prayerfully apply Your Scriptures so that we can learn to be content in any and every situation. A godly contentment will fill our hearts with peace regarding our station in life in place of an anxious heart that struggles to acquire the latest gadget, belong to an affluent group we can’t…

  • A Prayer For Choosing The Way Of Truth

    Father, I choose the way of truth, for it is also the way of light, for Jesus Himself said, “I am the Light.” Darkness lurks where deception and falsehood exists and becomes the breeding ground for all sorts of evil. Father, I ask You to shine Your searchlight on the contents and attitudes of my…

  • A Prayer For Faithful Declaration

    Father, You’ve called us to be light in a world full of darkness. You’ve also called us to be peacemakers in as much as it is possible. Sometimes when we take a stand for righteousness it does not bring a peaceful resolution, but instead, further conflict arises. Then we go through a surge of emotions…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Upholding Hand

    Just as a loving parent takes the hand of a wobbly child to love, lead, protect, and steady him so it is with You, Father, who upholds us with Your righteous right hand. After all, it is Jesus at Your right hand who is always interceding for us. No tempest storm can overtake You and…

  • A Prayer For Focus

    Father, thank You for speaking to us through Your Word, other believers, and through serious events in our lives. You beamed Your searchlight from the portals of heaven to show us how lost we were. We’re tremendously blessed to know that celestial beings held a celebration in heaven when we chose to be Your followers.…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks To The Creator

    God You have made Your wonders to be acknowledged, appreciated and acclaimed throughout the earth. Your presence is seen and felt in that which is visible and that which is hidden from the human eye. All of creation is a result of Your design and handiwork. I acknowledge You as the Creator of the universe…

  • A Prayer For A Heart Cleansing

    Father, You are the Divine cardiologist who knows the very inmost part of my spiritual heart. People see only the outward person when I am proficient at presenting myself differently than the person I really am inside, but I cannot hide from You that which comes from my inward parts. You liken the heart to…

  • A Prayer For Pilgrims

    Father, since this pilgrimage on earth, is all we’ve known since birth, far too often we consider it a permanent dwelling. But the prophet Isaiah gives us a true perspective of our transient life when he writes, “The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the Word of the Lord endures forever.” Help us to…