Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer Of Remembering God’s Benefits

    Father, we do well to dwell on Your daily benefits that give us cause for praise and thanksgiving. Why we often focus on one unpleasantry turning it over and over in our minds and yet neglect the multiple blessings that pour into our lives daily is a work of the enemy. When we willfully, dutifully…

  • A Prayer For A Thankful Heart

    Gloria a Dios for the blessed gift of our five senses. Our surroundings become very much alive to us through our sense of touching, smelling, tasting, hearing and seeing; all a part of Your plan to help us navigate our way through life as we journey here below. And yet it is through these senses…

  • A Prayer For Veteran’s Day

    Father, we are grateful for the men and women who are willing to lay down their lives to protect our freedoms here in the United States. We are indebted to them for their daily sacrifice and we pray for their safekeeping, including godly chaplains who serve as spiritual leaders among them. We also consider our…

  • A Prayer For Being Resourceful

    Father, we marvel at the miracles Jesus performed, as recorded in the New Testament. Taking a young boy’s small lunch and feeding 5,000 men along with their wives and families is beyond our imagination. And then to have leftovers from such a setting is amazing. Just as the disciples and the crowd learned so much…

  • A Prayer For Assurance In Flexibility

    Father, we recognize from Scripture that You long to be gracious to Your children, to show them compassion and give them direction. You bless those who wait upon You. Though you give us the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, you also give us teachers, prophets, and believing friends who affirm or challenge…

  • A Prayer Of Persistence

    Father, just as the author of Hebrews commended the patriarchs, prophets, kings, and the many unnamed saints who endured opposition yet persisted in their faith, we too want to be listed among them. Certainly, they prayed for deliverance and in many instances, they received it such as Daniel and the three Hebrew young men. In…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Contenders

    Father, the commandments that You give are not only to be impressed upon our thoughts but also implanted in our hearts. Help us to be cautious and prayerful about new teachings that are pleasing to the ear and popular with our present generation, but do not bear witness with the eternal Scripture. Keep us on…

  • A Prayer Reminding Us There Is Hope

    Father, in this ever-changing society where transition beckons us daily, You are the Changeless One. As we hold tightly to the hope we profess we will not be swayed to the right nor to the left, for that is how we lose eternal perspective which brings endless hope. We choose to hold to this hope…

  • A Prayer For Our Daily Bread

    Father, in the same way, that we grow hungry before mealtime, stir up a hunger within us for the spiritual food You provide through the living Word of God. You are the Bread of Life who provides physically and spiritually for our daily needs. Following a hearty meal, we often linger around the dinner table…

  • A Prayer For Soul-Maintenance

    Father, we know there is a deeper work within our soul which cannot be accomplished by mere physical exercise. Just as we maintain our bodies to submit to a rigorous routine of endurance, abstinence, and sacrifice, we must apply the same maintenance tools to bring our spirits into submission to Your will for our lives.…