Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Living A God-Pleasing Life

    Father, I want to find out what pleases You and make it my goal to honor You with my life. I want the affections of my heart, the thoughts of my mind, the expression of my emotions, the words voiced from my lips and the actions from my works to please you. May my understanding…

  • A Prayer For A Transforming Conversion

    Father, there are many incredible stories of spiritual transformation throughout every generation. You work Your miraculous transforming power in our lives, whether we have lived a life of debauchery or whether we quietly lived in sin, for we have all sinned and fallen short of Your glory! Our only hope for salvation is found in…

  • A Prayer For Sharing Love And Kindness

    Father, it is easy to express love and kindness when we’re responding to one who has expressed these virtues toward us. We’re awfully good at giving back that which we receive. But often the people who need it most are those who express little love and kindness. Their hearts are sometimes consumed with so much…

  • A Prayer For Being A Blessing To Others

    Father, I pray for a spiritually sensitive heart that I might be a representative of Your indwelling Spirit to those who have distressing needs. Develop in me a discerning heart that I might seek out those in need just as Jonathan did with David. While I don’t have all the answers I do know that…

  • Take Me Back

    Father, I consider the depth of one’s faith and how far-reaching it is when fleshed out in one’s life. Timothy’s sincere faith was due in great part to the influence of a godly grandmother and equally devoted mother. As we stay in communion with You through prayer and obedience to Your Holy Word we ask…

  • A Prayer Of Beginning

    Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person…

  • A Prayer For God’s Continued Work In Our Life

    Father, You began a good work in me the moment of my conception when You created me in Your own image. Incredibly, You chose to reflect Your divine Being through my thoughts, attitudes, and actions though I am still numbered among the “frail children of dust, … feeble and frail.” I place my trust in…

  • A Prayer Of Comfort

    Father, we thank You that we don’t grieve as those who have no hope after our Christian loved ones take up residence in heaven. It’s hard, though, because we’re unable to converse with them or hug them or even to lovingly help them when they’re in need. But we’re also reassured they’re in safe-keeping, in…

  • A Prayer For Using Wholesome Words

    Father, we know the oft-repeated expression that “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me” is a mistaken message certainly not derived from Scripture. Harmful words or hurtful actions do irrevocable damage that will not disappear through first aid or antiseptic. Harmful words have a way of playing over and…

  • A Prayer For Godly Use Of Our Hands

    Father, we make it our ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind our own business and to work with our hands, just as Scripture tells us. In doing so we provide for our families and tenderly hold them protecting them from harm’s way. We seek not only to win our family’s respect but also…