Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Overcoming Our Arch Enemy

    Father, our hope plummets and our souls despair when we consider the first portion of John 10:10; “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy”, for it describes our arch enemy whose sole mission is to take anything and everything that is of importance and value from us. But the gloom and despair is lifted…

  • A Prayer For Peaceful Sleep

    Father, we find great comfort from Scripture that reassures us You are with us at all times even during the night hour since You neither slumber nor sleep. You are watching over us, taking great delight in us, quieting us with Your love. You actually rejoice over us with singing. Believers can find consolation and…

  • A Prayer for Desiring God

    Father, we are influenced by many forces that seek to weaken or destroy our relationship with You. But we resolve to draw ever nearer to the One who makes life worthwhile. Your loving-kindness is even better than life, therefore we praise You; we lift up our hands in Your name for You have been our…

  • A Prayer For Living A Careful Life

    Father, as we watch our life and doctrine closely we will regularly examine our lives to see if the prevailing philosophy of our day is governing our lives or the timeless principles and commands established in the Word. Likewise attitudes and behaviors condoned by this world are not the template from which we build a…

  • A Prayer For Today’s Blessing

    Father, often the days converge into another and before we know it another year has passed. Help us to be keenly aware of each new day and the opportunity it holds for us to build character and be engaged in our Father’s business. We want to daily turn to Your holy Word for wisdom so…

  • A Prayer For A Steadfast Heart

    Father, I want to present to You a pure, steadfast and undivided heart that follows hard after You. A heart that hides Your Word so that sin will not dominate. May my heart beat compassion, devotion, and absolute allegiance to the One who gave His all that I might be forgiven my sins and live…

  • A Prayer For Being Heavenly-Minded

    Father, I thank You for deliverance from the dominion of darkness and being transferred into the kingdom of Your Son where I find redemption, the forgiveness for my sins. It is in Your holy Kingdom that my heart is transformed from an earthly nature to that of a heavenly nature. As I walk in newness…

  • A Prayer For Resisting Sin

    Father, Your divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness. It is through Your engrafted divine nature that we are able to escape the corruption in this world caused by evil desires. As we add to our faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge, and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance;…

  • A Prayer For Those In Grief

    Father, we thank You for the person of Jesus who showed us how to live a life set apart for You and all the while endured loss, pain, temptation, and other emotions common to mankind. When Jesus wept upon hearing of Lazarus’ death He showed His humanity in a way that all of us who’ve…

  • A Prayer For Being Ready

    Father, none of us knows the hour nor manner in which we will leave this life. Deaths result from accidents and natural disasters for both the godly and ungodly. But there is sweet assurance for those who remain when our loved ones who die before their prime are believers. It’s a fact that we will…