Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Encouragers

    Father, we’re thankful for the rope-holders who bear our burdens and encourage us in times of weakness and difficulty. You work through such human vessels to convey Your strength, comfort, protection, and challenge as we walk together in faith. Help us to be faithful in doing our part to encourage, pray, and offer support to…

  • A Prayer For Enduring Love

    Father, You love us with an everlasting love. Your enduring love stands as the supreme example for us to follow in our human relationships. Even when we have forsaken You and broken our vows, You continue to forgive us and woo us back to Yourself. You are not a god of retribution but a God…

  • A Prayer For Daily Faithfulness

    Father, it is not the accolades of the world for which we live, but it is the affirmation of Your Word that serves as our trusted guide in all we seek to be and to do. We want to be faithful in the everyday obligations and opportunities that await us. Use us to glorify Your…

  • A Prayer For Faithful Witness

    Father, help us to remain faithful in planting Your seed of salvation to those who have not yet bowed their knee, to those who have not yet confessed with their tongue that Jesus Christ is Lord. Whenever we open our mouths, may words be given to us so that we will fearlessly make known the…

  • A Prayer For A Steadfast Spirit

    Father, we pray that with unveiled faces we will reflect Jesus’ glory as we are being transformed into Your likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord Jesus. May we not be lacking in zeal but keep our spiritual fervor as we serve You. Keep us joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful…

  • A Prayer For God’s Guidance

    Father, we desire to have You lead us in the paths of righteousness in the way everlasting. Sometimes the next step we take is clearly visible and other times it is a step of faith as darkness seems to veil Your leading. As we earnestly pray we can trust You who stilled the tempest and…

  • A Prayer For Salvation

    Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner. I believe that you came to this earth and died as a substitute for me. I place my faith in You and what You have done for me. I receive You into my life and choose this day to follow and serve You. Thank You for…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Sight

    Father, help us to walk by faith and not by sight. Give us a divinely prescribed vision to see the hosts of the heavenly army who stand guard to protect us or engage in warfare against our enemy in the heavenly realms. We clothe ourselves in Your armor so that we can take our stand…

  • A Prayer To Be His Hand Extended

    Father, help me to be Your hand extended to those in need. We so often complain about our own needs but in reality much of our own needs are met as we reach out to others in need. Your Scripture declares, “Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Help us not to put off…

  • A Prayer For An Obedient Heart

    Father, as we fully surrender our hearts to You we will no longer conform to the pattern of this world, but we will be transformed because our minds are being renewed by Your Spirit daily. Though we may be rejected by the world we have been chosen by You. Like living stones You are building…