Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer Of Thanks

    Father, regardless of our birth genealogy, whether we’re born to peasant or royalty, when we are born into the Kingdom of God we become Your children and all are on equal standing at the foot of the cross. We are not just born into Your Kingdom but we were purchased with the precious sinless blood…

  • A Prayer Of Hope

    Father, we’re so thankful that there is nothing in our past or future that can separate us from Your love or daily provision for our lives. You provide the necessary tools to overcome the difficulties we encounter from earliest childhood to present day. Though the enemy seeks to disrupt our lives, pollute our minds and…

  • A Prayer For Rich Christian Fellowship

    Father, we thank You for the band of Christian brothers and sisters that circle the globe who are among the redeemed, overcoming life’s obstacles, and giving testimony to Your faithful work in their lives. We uphold each other in prayer and lend support to those who have need, as together we walk in the light…

  • A Prayer For Those Awaiting The Second Advent

    Father, I rejoice in the blessing that we are not still waiting for the consolation of Israel, but were born after Christ came into the world to save us. Though there are many promises in Scripture yet to be fulfilled the most important has been answered in the birth, death and resurrection of Your Son,…

  • A Prayer For Keeping Christ First

    Father, we consider the role of John the Baptist who was forerunner of Your Son, Jesus. He was the voice of one calling in the desert, “Make straight the way for the Lord.” He prepared the hearts of men for Jesus’ coming and he surrendered his life even to death for his Master. May we…

  • A Prayer For Noel

    Father, we thank You for Your Son Jesus, who, by His coming to earth and dying on the cross, made it possible for us to be saved for all eternity. He came for the lowly shepherd on the hillside, the king who sits on the throne, the influential, the lesser known, and the unknown –…

  • A Prayer Of Pondering On The Wonder Of Christ’s Birth

    Father, there is so much to contemplate and ponder concerning the birth of Your Son, Jesus. Mary is a tremendous example of one who was unable to fully comprehend or understand Your plan, but trusted You even before the answer was revealed. Help us to follow in her steps and trust You to work out…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For The Christ Child

    Father, just as the shepherds spread the word concerning what had been told them about the Child we too want to spread the word regarding all that we learn about the Christ Child through the revelation of Scripture and the Holy Spirit. Thank You for sending Jesus not only to royalty but also to the…

  • A Prayer Extolling Jesus

    Jesus, though You were God, You did not cling to Your rights as God. Instead You made Yourself nothing, taking the humble position of a slave You appeared in human form. Though innocent You died a criminal’s death on a cross. Because of Your loving, sacrificial obedience our Father gave You the name that is…

  • A Prayer For Peace In Dealing With Death

    Father, we thank You for Jesus who was born that man no more may die. The grave is not the end for the believer, but simply the passage way into an eternal dwelling with You, the celestial beings, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the saints whom we join there. The last enemy to be destroyed…