Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Joyful Resolve As We Face A New Year

    Father, we’re reminded by Habakkuk that our deep abiding joy is not derived from abundance in provisions nor even the people in our life. But rather our joy comes from You as we choose to rejoice in You, whether or not our pantry is overflowing. We rejoice in knowing that You are our strength who…

  • A Prayer Of Assurance In God’s Faithfulness

    Father, though there is much yet to be revealed concerning Your plan for our lives, we’ve been entrusted with a lifetime of inspired Scripture that guides us each day on our earthly journey. As we walk in unity with You we find You to be the Navigator who directs our paths according to Your Word…

  • A Prayer Of Hope For The New Year

    Father, our hope is steadfast and sure as we trust in You for everything we have need of, most importantly, our salvation through Christ. We are grateful for Your divine presence and daily provision as You enable us to meet the challenges of each new day of each new year. Our hope does not dwindle…

  • A Prayer Of Trust For The New Year

    Father, we want to be Your faithful follower as You fulfill Your purpose in our lives. The Psalmist traced Your hand to the secret place where all Your ordained plans were written for his life before he drew his first breath. We too can trace Your hand in the origin of our birth right up…

  • A Prayer Of Assurance For The New Year

    Father, we thank you for Simeon’s blessing upon the Christ child reminding us that Your salvation is for all people. A great price was paid for our redemption and we are filled with indescribable joy because of it. We rejoice this Christmas season because of the wondrous birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,…

  • A Prayer Of Conviction

    Father, I am not fearful of the present nor the future when I place my complete confidence in You and recognize that Your plans prevail. Daily I make my plans but I acknowledge and find peace in knowing that You have the final say. Help me to find comfort in You for the circumstances of…

  • A Prayer For Receiving Christ

    Father, there is nothing we can do in our own power or position to receive Your favor. The world is full of books, intellects, media “experts”, and even religious scholars that offer the public temporary solutions or incomprehensible babble that leads us even farther from the truth of Scripture. And yet o’er the “ba-bel sounds”…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Love

    Father, we thank You for Jesus who came to this earth as a tiny baby with a mission to die on the Cross as a sacrifice for our sins to reconcile us to You. Not only are we forgiven and reconciled to You, but we are also made joint heirs taking on our new identity…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Jesus

    Father, how grateful we are that You did not withhold Your only Son, but instead You gave Him up for all of us. The angels declared that glorious Christmas night Jesus came for all the people. That includes us, 2000 years later no matter our station in life, our ethnic background, or the humble setting…

  • A Prayer To The God Of Peace

    Father, knowing that Jesus is the Prince of Peace I pray for His peace to fall upon many hearts in our land and world. We pray that they will turn to You today and accept the peaceful reconciliation You freely offer, for it is the first step to all other types of peace. We pray…