Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For A Merry Heart

    Father, thank you for friends that we laugh and cry with. Sometimes mistaken words can get us into serious trouble and other times they can produce a rumble of laughter. Help us to spread joy, laugh with others and also laugh at ourselves, for a joyful heart is like good medicine. A daily dose of…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Faithfulness

    Father, we have been given a trust and desire to prove ourselves faithful in all areas of our lives as evidenced in our responsibilities carried out here on earth. Being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us involves sacrifice, humbleness, repentance, and obedience which does not come easily, but is nevertheless required.…

  • A Prayer For Those In The Greatest Contest

    Jesus, the race You’ve marked out for us doesn’t require nearly as much physical stamina as it does spiritual endurance. Those who are physically weak due to disease, illness, and aging are just as qualified to run as those who have young athletic bodies. It’s a spiritual race where You call us to perseverance as…

  • A Prayer For Trust Through Trials

    Father, we want to place our full confidence in Your sovereign plan for our lives. We recognize that trials are included in the school of faith helping us to grow and mature. It also helps us to feel the pain of others who will undergo similar trials prompting us to undergird them with prayer. When…

  • A Prayer For Deep Spiritual Roots

    Father, we are so very grateful that our family roots are not the sole source of who we are nor does it dictate what we can accomplish. Our spiritual roots, because of our well-grounded faith in You, goes much deeper and spreads much broader. We are able to accomplish the impossible and overcome life’s difficulties…

  • A Prayer For Honoring The Bible

    Father, I am thankful for the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures that provides an objective and accurate guide for every season of my life. The Bible is a lamp unto my feet and a light for the path that lies before me. It teaches, convicts, corrects and trains me in the ways of godliness. Though…

  • A Prayer For Infants

    Father, there is an incredible blessing in the miracle of new birth and along with this gift of life comes extraordinary, lifetime responsibility for the parents. May we as parents realize the impact of imparting Scriptural teaching by instruction as well as an example from the time of their conception. We’re grateful for our family,…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For The Holy Scriptures

    Father, if we guard Your teachings in Scripture as the apple of our eye we will love and cherish them. We will read, honor and obey them, aligning all other input with Your Word. It must meet the sniff test by measuring up to unchanging Biblical principles or be rejected on that basis. You change…

  • A Prayer For Wisdom

    Father, we are advised by the apostle James to ask for any wisdom we lack, and You will give generously to us that which we ask. So much wisdom is attained by carefully reading, studying, and applying the Scripture. Additional wisdom is granted through the experiences we go through in life and also observing others,…

  • A Prayer Expressing Faith In Christ

    Jesus, we want to fix our eyes, our thoughts, and our affections on You, our blessed Redeemer. Though You faced enormous opposition that would provide understandable excuse for altering Your redemption plan, nevertheless You endured the cross and scorned it’s shame. Thank you that you died for our sins and rose in victory and returned…