Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Meditating On God’s Word

    Father, deep in my soul I have peace and reassurance as I “chew” on a particular Scripture verse throughout my day. You speak to me through Your Word and it refreshes and often challenges me as it lingers in my mind. It helps me to focus not just on the here and now, but on…

  • A Prayer For Those Working In Dark Places

    Jesus, You are the Light of the world. And because You reside in our hearts we are a reflection of Your holy light. The world we live in is dark and growing even darker as Satan’s sinister and deceitful schemes are being played out. Help us not to look the other way when darkness is…

  • A Prayer To Our Guide

    Father, we thank You that You are our guide; that our footsteps are ordered by You. Though we stumble or fall, we are not cast down for You uphold us with Your righteous right hand. In ourselves we may be clumsy, weak, or nearsighted, but following You, our Great Shepherd through dangers, toils and snares…

  • A Prayer For Extending Our Lives For Christ

    Father, like a farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains we too wait for the yield of good fruit that will be produced by our labor in Christ. As we extend ourselves to others we not only seek to be a blessing to them…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Handiwork

    Father, we count among our rich blessings the bounty of Your handiwork – whether it’s that which we can observe only at a distance or that which we can examine closely, touch with our hands, smell or taste. A visit to a zoo reminds us of the variety in Your creative handiwork. You are a…

  • A Prayer For Being Light In A Dark World

    Father, as I commit myself to You this day, I ask that You help me to walk in Your light. Make me a glowing ember of Your truth, Your wisdom, and Your compassionate mercy. I want my light to shine for You so that all glory will be directed back to You, my source of…

  • A Prayer To The Rock Of Ages

    Lord today, like the Psalmist, I cry out to You. Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer. I join all who call out to you from the ends of the earth. I am so thankful that You hear me regardless of where I may be crying out from or what situation I am…

  • A Prayer For Living Conscientiously

    Father, may we be found conscientious, trustworthy, and devoted in our relationship to you and to others. We pray you will help us to live conscientious lives. We want to learn, seek to understand and effectively communicate the teachings of Scripture so that we prove to be faithful stewards of all that is entrusted to…

  • A Prayer For Being A Diligent Worker

    Father, help us to view work as a blessing from You that gives us opportunity to participate in gathering adequate provisions for our family as well as making a positive difference in our work setting. We can overcome challenges in the workplace when we do our work heartily, as for You. We seek to be…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Goodness

    Father, from Your mercy seat You dispense goodness that endures to all generations. As with previous generations, ours is undeserving of Your abundant goodness that supplies our needs and enriches our lives. The paintbrush of Your handiwork brings vibrant color into view whether we are looking up or down, whether from the north or south,…