Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Living In Newness Of Life

    n Father, I want to spend the rest of my earthly life getting to know Christ and the power of His resurrection. Help me to be willing to participate in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, so that I might also participate in the power of His resurrection. In so doing, I bar…

  • A Prayer For Valuing History

    n Father, seasons come and seasons go, along with people from our past history who made lasting contributions affecting future generations. We thank You for the written record that reveals times and events that far precede our existence, helping us to view personal application of Scripture, or lack thereof which also helps us to understand…

  • A Prayer For A Heart Of Wisdom

    n Father, we earnestly seek You for wisdom regarding the daily circumstances of our lives in the years we are allotted here on earth. Help us to incline our hearts toward You for understanding all that You have to teach us. During the quiet sessions when Your voice seems silent help us to trust You…

  • A Prayer To The Door Of Salvation

    n Jesus, just like the shepherd willingly lays his life down for his sheep, You also willingly laid down Your life for us. You took on our adversary, the devil, who takes people captive for his own diabolical plans. You struck down the devil’s scheme to enslave and devour us, and his plan for death…

  • A Prayer For Moral Purity

    n Loving Father, we want Your counsel to be our guide as we face the enemy’s assault on our personal holiness. As Hollywood and much of the world continues to trivialize and ridicule Biblical Christianity the horrendous consequences are evident as generations of people ignore Your principles established from the beginning of time. We desire…

  • A Prayer Of Trust In The Lord

    n Father, You are a sun and shield; a light for those who walk in darkness and a shield to protect us from the enemy’s arsenal. You will not withhold anything that will help us serve You better. The longer we walk this spiritual journey we become more trusting because we’ve seen Your mighty hand…

  • A Prayer For Being An Encourager

    n Father, sometimes we are frustrated by what little we have to offer others when we compare ourselves with those who are greatly talented or have a special way with words, or even those who may have financial resources to bless others in ways that we cannot. But we are not limited in reaching out…

  • A Prayer For Living Godly Lives

    n Father, as believers we learn through Scripture, though daily trial and error, and through the examples of earnest believers that which leads to godliness. We especially learn this through Jesus who was clothed in flesh, walked among us, and sinned not. Help us to do that which is necessary, fortifying ourselves through prayer and…

  • A Prayer Of Calling On The Name Of The Lord

    n Father, You are near to all who call on You, to all who call on You in truth, so we seek You and learn to walk in Your ways; calling upon You while You are near. In our distress You answer us and make a way when it seems there is no way. You…

  • A Prayer For Living Responsibly

    n Father, all that we have is a gift from You, including that which comes to us through the work of our hands. You provide for us as you see beforehand all that we have need of. We’re confident that You bless people who work by the sweat of their brow, responsibly caring for those…