Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Christ’s Blood

    Jesus, it is only through Your sacrificial blood that my sins are forgiven. Through Your fountain of forgiveness, my guilty stains are plunged into the bottom of the ocean to be remembered no more. Thank you that the power of Your blood will never be diminished. All the adjectives in the dictionary cannot adequately describe…

  • A Prayer During Times Of Waiting

    Father, though we might not recognize it while facing an obstacle or enduring a trial, it is a golden opportunity to see You work in a supernatural way. Not only will You bring about a solution in the circumstances that perplex us but You also develop godly character in us as we patiently endure the…

  • A Prayer For God To Receive The Glory

    Father, we who believe and are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, can never thank You enough for the things You have done for us, things so undeserved yet You gave Your Son, Jesus, to prove Your love and acceptance of us. The voices of a million angels could not express our gratitude, all…

  • A Prayer To Him Who Holds The Keys

    Father, thank You for Jesus who died on the cross for our sins; past, present and future. It was but a short time that He was held captive to the power of death, but He will die no more. Jesus is alive forevermore, and we who express godly faith will live forever with Him, because…

  • A Prayer For living For What Really Matters

    Father, we want to enjoy the lasting pleasure of doing that which is right as we look ahead to our eternal reward. Our lives are but a whirlwind, here today and gone tomorrow. Nothing in all of this temporal world can compare to the sin-free splendor of heaven or hearing Your words of commendation, “Well…

  • A Prayer For Resisting The Devil

    Father, through the knowledge of Your Scriptures, through the application of its truths, and through the power of Your Holy Spirit we can resist the enemy of our souls. When our faith is tested, which is of greater worth than gold, it is done so to test that our faith is genuine. Since faith that…

  • A Prayer Extolling The Love Of God

    Father, any words we speak or pictures we draw cannot fully describe your infinite love. Your boundless love reaches beyond the heavens and yet it penetrates our individual hearts. It is only in experiencing a personal relationship with you that we begin to sense the inexhaustible and pure love that comes only from You. Even…

  • A Prayer For Running The Race

    Father, we acknowledge that endurance and persistence are attitudes derived from a faith filled-life with You. Our persistence is marked by the determination we have to finish the race though struggles weigh us down and doubts cloud our vision of the finish line. Thank You for marking the race out for us and for the…

  • A Prayer For Christmas Preparation

    Jesus, though You would ultimately surrender Your life at Calvary, You willingly took on flesh and lived among an imperfect human race in a fallen world. In great humility, You stripped Yourself of the privilege, position, power and wealth You possessed in heaven. When You walked among Your people You experienced betrayal, misunderstanding, hatred, and…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Comebacks

    Father, You proved that death could not keep its hold on our Lord Jesus Christ, when You raised Him from the dead. The resurrected power that You gave Jesus also dwells in us, the redeemed. It gives us the power to overcome the most impossible situations where Satan has had influence over us. At times…