Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Word

    Father, You bless those those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. The sweetness of Your Word is like sweet honey in our mouth that reminds us of Your faithfulness, Your goodness and Your mercy that overflows into our lives as You forgive us of our sins and provide us with an abundant life. Your Words…

  • A Prayer For Kindness

    Father, our lives are often tossed to and fro by the billows of heartache, loss, and uncertainty. We’re so grateful for caring friends who are like the islanders of Malta in Acts 28 who cheer us on and wave us in as we’re seeking steady, dry land. They welcome us with warmth like that of…

  • A Prayer For When Faith Is Tested

    Father, the dynamic story of the three Hebrew men has been a favorite story of Your miraculous deliverance for all ages and throughout all generations. Their unyielding devotion to You, Almighty God, is a tremendous example to those of us who call You our Father. You are not only our Father who watches over us…

  • A Prayer Of Trust In God

    Father, the greatest blessing in trusting You is the confidence we walk in as we look to You for everything that we have need of. Jeremiah draws the contrast of those who depend on humans for strength and have stopped trusting in You. They don’t know about the good things that You can give because…

  • A Prayer For Protecting Our Hearts

    Father, You made my heart to be the life-giving source for my physical existence and You also made my heart to be the life-giving source for my spiritual existence. Create in me a pure and contrite heart, O God, and establish a steadfast spirit within me. It is only in the power of Your Holy…

  • A Prayer For Being A Blessing

    Lord, even as Moses instructed Aaron and his sons to bless the Israelites by praying this blessing I bless the readers of our encouragement ministry by pronouncing this very personal blessing upon each of them today: ‘The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to…

  • A Prayer For Those Who Worry

    Jesus, You know my tendency to worry and fret about circumstances and people dear to my heart. Thank You for giving me Scriptural wisdom in how to deal with this ongoing weakness that robs me of Your joy and peace. As I seek first Your kingdom I will look to Your Word rather than the…

  • A Prayer For The Accepted

    Father, You have shown us through the example of Jesus that we are to accept others in the same way that Christ accepted us. Show us ways that we can effectively reach out to others, especially those who feel rejected by family or society as a whole. Help us to show them genuine love and…

  • A Prayer During A Time Of Testing

    Father, it is in the testing of our faith that we prove the worth of our Christian walk. Help us to endure the test and trust You for the outcome, for we know that faith that cannot be tested is faith that cannot be trusted. O for grace to trust You more and more. In…

  • A Prayer For Daily Rejoicing

    Jesus, I rejoice in You as this new day unfolds. This is the day that You have made and I choose to rejoice and be glad in it. I have assurance today that Your way is perfect and Your timing is flawless. Your ways are higher than any other and Your wisdom far exceeds that…