Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Faithfully Proclaiming

    n Father, we are surrounded by Your awesome works and endless display of divine handiwork. The entire universe is in perfect order which is a testimony to Your greatness and continued watchful eye over all of Your creation. The silent heavens speak as they declare Your majesty and glory. They also testify to Your righteousness…

  • A Prayer Concerning Anger

    n Father, when we are angry You tell us to stay above the fray and sin not. There are times when it is appropriate to be angry such as when we see a person harming another individual; when we have been lied to, when we have been unfairly accused or when we see the rotting…

  • A Prayer For Holding On

    n Father, because I have been crucified with Christ I now live by faith in the Son of God. It is to this truth that I hold: my hope is found only in Jesus, all the glory evermore to Him I give. When my race is complete, still my lips will repeat: Not I, but…

  • A Prayer Of Joyful Anticipation

    n Lord Jesus, I joyfully anticipate with great joy the day of Your return when You will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God. The dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with…

  • A Prayer Of What Matters Most

    n Father help us to remember the only boasting that really matters is that we boast in this alone: that we truly know You and understand that You are the Lord who is just and righteous! Our own pride and forgetfulness of Your wondrous works and miraculous provisions will eventually lead to defeat. Our self-confidence,…

  • A Prayer For Commendable Faith

    n Father, the people of faith listed in Hebrews died without receiving all that You had promised, but they never lost their faith vision of heaven as a “better country – a heavenly one.” We take courage from these brave heroes of our faith who remained faithful to You in this life so that they…

  • A Prayer For Enduring Faith

    n Father, as we live by faith and not by sight we see much of what the world does not see because we see it through eyes of faith. It is by faith that we come to Jesus and it is by faith that we will stay the course. For it is not the one…

  • A Prayer To The Master Builder

    n Father, we’re reminded in the book of Colossians that if we are risen with Christ we are to set our affections on things above, not on things of the earth, for we are dead [to the things of this world] and our spiritual life is now hidden with Christ in God. Father, You are…

  • A Prayer For Supernatural Courage

    n Father, You provided David with supernatural courage, strength, and skill to defeat the boastful bully of a giant, Goliath. That huge sword was a reminder to David of your help in a time of great need. Remind us of past victories in our own personal lives and those of others in Scripture and in…

  • A Prayer For Belief

    n Father, Your Word declares that the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved it is the power of God. Through my words and actions I want to express to a disbelieving world that I do believe! I am not ashamed of the Gospel,…