Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Revival

    n Father, we long to experience revival so that we will be renewed in mind, in spirit and in purpose. The journey seems long and the continual allurement to that which satisfies only for a season can turn our hearts away from the living waters that forever quenches our thirsty soul. Rekindle us with fire…

  • A Prayer For New Life

    n Father, though my mortal body is perishing and confined to this earthly dwelling, I rejoice in the energizing truth that my inward spiritual being is being refined and preparing me for an eternal dwelling where I will never grow weak, weary, or old! Thank You for the renewing of my mind and spirit as…

  • A Prayer For Heart-felt Praise

    n Father, in Psalm 5 the Psalmist directs His prayer to You: “O Lord, in the morning will I direct my prayers to You and I will look to You with expectation.” Though You neither slumber nor sleep and certainly have no need for an alarm clock, we know it brings delight to Your ears…

  • A Prayer For Teaching Children

    n Father, there is incredible blessing in the miracle of new birth and along with this gift of life comes extraordinary, lifetime responsibility for the parents. May we as parents realize the impact of imparting Scriptural teaching by instruction as well as example from the time of their conception. We’re grateful for our family, other…

  • A Prayer For Encouraging Others

    n Father, You created within us a desire for the human touch. We’re grateful for hugs of love, affection, and friendship; for those who embraced us following a personal disappointment, a time of loss, a long separation, or a time of celebration and rejoicing. Sometimes words fall short or are inadequate for a situation, so…

  • A Prayer Acknowledging God’s Sustaining Power

    n Father, You sustain all things by Your powerful Word and through Your sovereign control. The natural order of Your creation is the means by which we live day after day, year after year. Just as there are variables in the seasons there are variables in our lives as we walk this pilgrimage on earth.…

  • A Prayer For Humility

    n Father, we know that none of us are completely humble, for we are clothed in these mortal, fallible bodies. But we do know that Jesus is the model of One completely humble in His humanity and divinity. He did not consider equality with You, our Father, something to be grasped but took on His…

  • A Prayer To Repent

    n Father, the theme of the great banquet parable calls to mind another parable where You challenged the crowd by saying, “The first shall be last and the last shall be first.” You are the Bread of Heaven that nurtures our spiritual hunger and the Living Water that quenches our eternal thirst! Since Your supply…

  • A Prayer For Heavenly Focus

    n Father, we’re reminded often in Scripture of the eternal inheritance that awaits the faithful. We anticipate that day when we will behold Your beauty and know the fullness of Your love. But it’s on our journey below that we get sidetracked or caught up in matters that distract our attention from that which has…

  • A Prayer For Being Truthful

    n Father, Your Word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against You, for it teaches me to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly before You. Even when it brings about hurtful circumstances help me to do the right thing in maintaining and maturing my spiritual nature as…