Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer To The God Of Hope

    “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13). Father, our hope is steadfast and sure as we trust in You for everything we have need of, most importantly, our salvation…

  • A Prayer For Truthfulness

    Father, in a world filled with lies and half-truths, may we stand out as a people who can be trusted in the words we say and in the actions we carry out. We thank You for Jesus who walked in grace, truth, and obedience knowing from the beginning that it would lead to death on…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For The Everlasting Light

    Father, we thank You for the incarnation of Jesus who saw our greatest need and gave fully of Himself to reconcile us to You. We are eternally grateful that our sin debt was paid by the sinless Lamb of God. We thank You for our Redeemer and friend, Jesus, the everlasting Light of Glory who…

  • A Prayer For Remembering

    Father, when we have eaten and are satisfied, we praise You, our Lord God, for the good land You have given us. We want to be careful that we do not forget You or fail to observe Your commands; otherwise we might say, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Promise

    Father, thank You for sending Jesus who was born to set us free. Just as the angels told the shepherds not to be fearful for they had Good News to deliver, we too are recipients of God’s favor provided through the salvation of Jesus Christ. We need not fear our present or future circumstances, for…

  • A Prayer When His Ways Seem Mysterious

    Father, we choose to walk by faith and not by sight as we trust You in the mysterious working of Your divine plan in our lives, fulfilling Your purpose in our lives. You go before us, walk beside us, and uphold us with Your righteous right hand directing us all the while according to Your…

  • A Prayer To Be An Overcomer

    Father, we are inspired by those very special people that You have called out from among the ordinary. They look to You for physical strength and extraordinary faith to overcome the obstacles that would otherwise hinder their ability to live a productive life. They’re living examples of the redeemed who have invited Your strength to…

  • A Prayer Of Consecration

    Faithful Father, Your Word shows us that obedience brings about blessing but disobedience brings about dishonor. I want to honor You with my life, for there is nothing hidden from Your eyes. Help me to uphold the standards of truth and honesty as revealed through Your unchanging Holy Word. When I’m confronted with my sin…

  • A Prayer Of Confession

    Merciful Father, may I never consider my good works or righteous acts to be payment or a cover-up for the hidden sin I harbor in my heart. Instead I want my attitude to be that of the publican in Luke who humbly came before You and cried out, “God be merciful to me a sinner!”…

  • A Prayer For Discernment

    Father, we pray that You would set our affections on things, both inanimate and human, that draw us closer to the throne of God. May godly discernment guide and enable us to resist the deceptive traps set up by our enemy, drawing our attention away from that which does harm and setting our affections on…