Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Being The Salt Of The Earth

    Father, as I commit myself to You this day, I ask that You help me to preserve Your truth, righteousness and order in this increasingly chaotic world. I want the light of Your glory to be present in my conversation so that it is full of grace seasoned with salt, enabling me to know how…

  • A Prayer For Hope During The Storm

    Heavenly Father, when those aboard the ship in Acts 27 were looking at the gloomy forecast that appeared for many days their hopes diminished day by day. So often that’s what leads us to defeat; we fear the raging storm and the damage it will do, instead of looking to the One who controls the…

  • A Prayer For Salvaging Lives

    Father, I choose to believe Your Word and apply its wondrous truths to my life and those of others. I reject Satan’s cunning lies that seek to convince me that I or anyone I know is an exception to Your redemptive power or that our troubles can never be repaired by Your almighty hand. Your…

  • A Prayer For Guidance From God’s Word

    Father, turn my eyes away from worthless things, whatever they may be and preserve my life according to Your Word. Help me to delight in your Law, in Your Word, in Your message. Help me not to neglect your Word. Show me Your ways, O LORD, teach me Your paths; guide me in Your truth…

  • A prayer For Rejoicing With Others

    Father, like Jesus who taught His listeners how they were to treat one another, Paul also teaches us how we are to relate to one another. I want to genuinely rejoice with those who rejoice and compassionately weep with those who weep, according to Scripture. You have not called believers to live in isolation, but…

  • A Prayer For The Persecuted

    Father, in Hebrews we’re told to remember those in prison as though we ourselves were suffering in prison. That way we will pray more faithfully and fervently when we put ourselves in place of our brothers and sisters who endure persecution and even death as they remain faithful to their witness for Christ. May their…

  • A Prayer For Being Crucified With Christ

    Father, we have crucified our old nature with Christ and therefore it is Christ who lives in us. The life we now live in the flesh we live by faith through Jesus who loves us and gave Himself for us. Help us to set our affections on things above not on things on the earth…

  • A Prayer For Strangers In The World

    Father, we’re so thankful that when our earthly tent is destroyed, we have a building from You, an eternal house in heaven. We make it our life long goal to remain strangers in this world as we maintain friendship with You, our Heavenly Father. Like the Apostle Paul we strain toward that which is ahead…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Veterans

    Father, we give thanks for our veterans who have served in the military seeking to defend our freedoms and serve their country. Far too many gave their all and did not return to their home shore alive. We are also thankful for the many spiritual veterans who have served us. While military forces defend our…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Care

    Father, though we feel at times no one cares about our needs or even notices that we are in need, we are assured that You take notice and You do care for us. We are invited to pour out the contents of our heart to You. We are not silenced because You’re too preoccupied with…