Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Shining Brightly

    Father, as we walk in the path of righteousness we also walk in the light. The world is full of darkness engulfed by the enemy’s presence but we, by faith, keep our sight fixed on You the invisible One. We persevere and overcome as we look ahead to our eternal reward. There truly is a…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Amazing Grace

    Father, Your abundant grace is poured out on humankind like showers of blessings, both for believer and unbeliever alike. Yet it is only as we appropriate Your saving grace that we turn away from evil and walk in the ways of righteousness. Many leaders and rulers have come and gone, but You, Father, are the…

  • A Prayer If You Are Somewhere Between Doubt And Believing

    Father, we thank You for Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He took away our sins through His shed blood on the cross. At thirty-three years of age, He completed the mission for which He came to earth when He walked the Via Dolorosa all the way to…

  • A Prayer For Making Impact For Christ

    Father, we want to follow Christ’s example who made Himself nothing, taking on the very nature of a servant. He reached out to the rich, the poor, the powerful and powerless, the young and old, the weak and strong. Though their needs varied that could only be met through Christ each of them needed a…

  • A Prayer For Following Life’s Tech Manual

    Father, Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path. There is nothing You will ask of us that Your Word does not supply guidance, reassurance, and courage for us to follow. We thank You for the great examples of Biblical characters who model godliness for us. We are grateful…

  • A Prayer For Living Within The Boundaries

    Father, as we consider the fault tolerance designed in products by engineers many times the items are used in less than perfect circumstances. We consider Your fault tolerance in relation to Your chosen people. We are forgiven of our sins as we receive Your redemptive love and forsake our sinful ways, yet we falter from…

  • A Prayer To The All-Powerful God

    Father, everything in all Your creation cries out concerning Your invisible qualities—Your eternal power and divine nature. We are blessed beyond measure by Your handiwork, and Your invisible power that sustains us and empowers us to walk in victory day after day. Your power is constant and there is no diminishment over time. On Your…

  • A Prayer For Identifying Worthless Things

    Father, many people spend their entire lives accumulating that which perishes at the end of our lives. We, too, as believers get caught up in earthly possessions as they require a great deal of our time and often tug at our heartstrings for misplaced value in this life. But our possessions on this side pale…

  • A Prayer For Those Who Have Fallen

    Father, we thank You that You are our guide; that our footsteps are ordered by You. Though we stumble or fall, we are not cast down for You uphold us with Your righteous right hand. In ourselves we may be clumsy, weak, or nearsighted, but following You, our Great Shepherd through dangers, toils and snares…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Strength

    Father, it is under Your wings that we are protected against the fierce wind currents of doubt, fear, and impatience. Such troubling emotions weigh us down and can pull us right into the path of a pelting storm. But it is through eyes of faith and a heart of trust that we can mount up…