Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For The Spiritual Battle

    Father, we thank You for the spiritual armor that defends us in battle and arms us for the struggle we encounter against the devil’s relentless schemes. This armor enables us to withstand the forces of evil, no matter the means or persons the enemy works through to try to weaken or destroy our faith. In…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Protection

    Lord, we ask You to not only open our eyes to that which is around us, but we ask You to open the eyes of our hearts so that we might envision that which is true and that which is false on a spiritual level. May we continue to hide Your Word in our hearts…

  • A Prayer For God’s Glory

    Father, thank You for Jesus, the Bright Morning Star. We also thank You for John the Baptist who had a vital role as prophet of the Highest when he gave knowledge of salvation to unbelievers leading them to repentance of their sins. We thank You that he came to give light to those who sat…

  • A Prayer For Waking Up

    Father, we thank You for productive family members, co-workers, and leaders in the church community and throughout the land. With so much to be accomplished, we thank You for those who don’t just point out the need but they get their hands dirty and contribute to standing up, fixing up, cleaning up, and doing that…

  • A Prayer For Having A Good Name

    Father God, the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, stands out among all the rest, for it is only in His name that we have power to combat the enemy as we come boldly to Your throne of grace. May our name, and all that we stand for, be respected among those who know us…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Fortitude

    Father, as believers, we are put to the test daily regarding our adherence to the Scriptures that teach right from wrong, truth from error. Included are numerous examples of those who represent both camps. We have the golden opportunity to learn lessons from those who were obedient to Your laws and from those who chose…

  • A Prayer For Keeping Our Vows

    Father we read in Scripture of the importance of keeping our word, that we are not to make a promise we are unwilling to keep. There were dire consequences for the Israelites who made and broke vows, most especially vows made to You, Father. Millions upon millions of lives have been shattered due to broken…

  • A Prayer For Those Carrying A Heavy Load

    Father, our faith rests in the finished work of Jesus at Calvary. Because of His tremendous sacrifice our sins are forgiven and a place is reserved for us in heaven. We also find rest from our unending troubles in this life as we respond to Jesus’ invitation: “Come to Me all who are weary and…

  • A Prayer For Godly Parents

    Father, we’re given the example of sterling young men like Azariah, and his fellow Hebrew friends, who refused the Babylonian king’s orders, to bow down to the golden image. Surely they were weary of enduring the daily testing as they were few in number standing against the godless culture of their day. Was it the…

  • A Prayer For Taking Responsibility

    Father, as we confess our sins we thank You that You are faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Help us to be honest enough to admit our sin, welcome Your cleansing, and invite the Holy Spirit to help us courageously deal with personal consequences from our sinful defiance. You…