Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For His Messengers

    Father, I am reminded today that no one is beyond the scope of Your redemptive power. Your amazing grace works wonders that are unexplainable by human understanding. Over and over You redeem the hearts of men and women, boys and girls whom others have given up on. You call us to be heavenly messengers to…

  • A Prayer For Health Care Professionals

    Father, help us to have the heart and motivation of the good Samaritan when he saw the helpless man along the way. Taking the time to stop and help surely wasn’t on his schedule that day nor were the stranger’s medical and lodging expenses written into the Samaritan’s budget. He didn’t consider these substantial factors…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Free Gift

    Father, You are the giver of many gifts, but Yours has qualities that last not just for a lifetime here on earth but is extended through all eternity. Your gift of the water of life is something I can’t buy or earn by our own merit. It is free, but it cost You the life…

  • A Prayer For Restoration

    Father, we rejoice in the blessing of restored relationships. There are millions of fatherless children who don’t know their birth fathers and feel unloved, unimportant and unwanted. We pray for responsible parenting and Biblical morality to be restored in our land. How desperately we need a revival where people will be saved, delivered, and reconciled…

  • A Prayer For Reconciliation

    Father, it is because of the great love of Your Son, Jesus, and His willingness to take our sins upon Himself that we can be reconciled to You. It is the greatest news of all time for all generations. Father, we want to be passionate as Christ’s ambassadors since You are making Your appeal through…

  • A Prayer During Storms

    Father, You are the Almighty God who controls the storms. All of Your creation must submit when You do Your bidding. Nothing escapes Your attention nor can anything exceed Your power or authority. Help us to trust You not only during the times of calm but also during the storms of life. You’re an ever-present,…

  • A Prayer For Waiting Obediently

    Father, many times Scripture that speaks of waiting on You is followed by the directive of being courageous. Indeed it does take courage for me to trust You and not take matters into my own hands since that comes so naturally to my way of thinking and doing things. But as a loving, protecting and…

  • A Prayer For The Door Of Faith

    Father, there is no higher calling in our earthly pilgrimage than to experience salvation or lead another to faith. The vast majority are looking for answers to life’s challenges and many are learning that it doesn’t come via prosperity, politics, vocational training, educational ranking, or anything else that expires at the end of this life.…

  • A Prayer For Genuine Faith

    Father, fake abounds, and way too often it is seen in Christian circles. It has left a very bad taste in the mouth of unbelievers and has provided many an excuse for them to want nothing to do with Christianity. When we say one thing but do another we are harming our witness and we…

  • A Prayer To Jesus The Lord

    Jesus, Name above all names, I confess with my lips and believe in my heart that You are the Lord and Savior of my life. You died for my sins and rose to life making it possible for me to die to sin and rise to new life in You. I thank You for the…