Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Blessing Others

    Father, we pray that You will give us Biblical thoughts and expressions of blessing that we can share with those whom we seek to influence. Not only can we pray for them, but we can also bless them in the name of Jesus. We are instructed to bless even those who curse us, hard as…

  • A Prayer for Renewed Resolve

    Father, You indicate in Scripture that the righteous live by faith; and if he shrinks back, You will take no pleasure in him.* When we live by faith we find inner joy and lasting hope from Your promises, not only those already fulfilled but those yet to come. At the end of our earthly existence…

  • A Prayer During Times Of Waiting For Open Doors

    Father, whether our waiting for a door to open feels hard, confusing or endless You give us the opportunity to learn that You that You are working for our good in Your time and in Your way. Help us to praise You in the wait, singing songs of thanksgiving that bring gladness and gratitude to…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Pardon

    Father, You softly and tenderly call us back to Yourself after we walk away from Your truth and live in defiance of all that we once held dear. You do not shame us by scoldingly point Your righteous finger in our face but instead You embrace us and cast our sins into the depths of…

  • A Prayer For Soul-Winners

    Father, You have called us to be soul-winners for the kingdom of God. There are many ways we influence unbelievers to come to Christ such as telling them the Good News that You gave Your only Son to die for their sins. We also influence them by the fruit of the Spirit that is evident…

  • A Prayer For Labor Day

    Father, help us to view work as a blessing from You that gives us the opportunity to participate in gathering adequate provisions for our family as well as making a positive difference in our work setting. We seek to overcome challenges in the workplace and are able to do so because we do our work…

  • A Prayer For Perception

    Father, we’re thankful for the immense variety of sounds that fill our day such as voices, machinery, music, prayer, wildlife, insects, and so much more. Those we usually take for granted are blessings You give that bring joy and gladness to our lives. We pray for our brothers and sisters who are hearing impaired and…

  • A Prayer For Staying On The Righteous Path

    Father, it’s a fact that others judge us by our actions, but You judge us by our motives. You know the very intent of our heart so we cannot deceive You by our words or actions. Purify our hearts, let us be as gold and precious silver, so that we are of great worth in…

  • A Prayer For Sharing Kindness

    Father, we are so grateful for the rope holders who’ve helped pull us out of despairing situations. Those who have given us an uplifting message, interceded in prayer on our behalf, given of their time and expertise to help us in our dilemma. We too want to be a rope holder and offer a word…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Our Living Hope

    Father, help me not to waste my time and energy in futile or wishful thinking. Instead, I want to fix my thoughts upon the living hope I have in Jesus Christ my Lord. I anchor my soul in the bedrock of Your Holy Word so that when other viewpoints counter the truths prescribed in Your…